Wednesday, 9 October 2019

The Casebook of Sheraton Howell: Part VII A Name of No Small Means

It has been two days since the unusual occurrence at the coroner's inquest. I visited the park the girl had been found in, only to find that it was in the process of being dug over and replanted by the grounds keepers. Apparently there had been a complaint over its unkempt state, crime scene be damned! A generous donation towards the wellbeing of the foreman and his lads provided a name at the park authority.

After an hour or so of enquiries, the 'name' was tracked down, and  following a further display of generosity, the source of the complaint identified. The eyes of the individual so offended by the condition of the shrubbery belonged to an elderly Member of Parliament of no small means. I will share his name only privately until such times as the fog clears on this matter. It may be nothing at all, but I will certainly raise it when I meet with Howell this evening. It will be interesting just to find out where exactly he has been.

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